Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Baby Update # 7

Weeks 36-40 (or 41 & 42+) make up the 9th month!
I am 9 months pregnant. A fetus is considered full-term at 37 weeks.
Bump! could be here next week, in two weeks, in three weeks, in four weeks, in five weeks or six weeks plus. I think she will debut on June 2nd, but only God knows. She'll give the the hormonal signal and then my body will respond with more hormones that will lead to labor.

We are now meeting with Anne Sommers, our midwife, once a week. We have our birth kit here with most of the medical amenities, like gloves, pads, herbs, heating pads, etc. Anne will have emergency devices if necessary. This does not include an epidural people. She will have a doppler and some infant resuscitation stuff and a small dose of pitocin in case of postnatal hemorrhage for me. In the last 20 years she has delivered, she has performed 2 episiotomies. We are excited about home birth, and looking forward to giving Bump! the best start that we can idealize. 

Unless there are problems, we'll be delivering in the warmth of our home with comforts and luxuries abounding. I'll labor anywhere I want, with no IVs or forced pee efforts or fetal monitoring. There will be flowers and candles and cozy, familiar linens, a jacuzzi for labor, and no annoying car ride to the hospital. Anne will arrive after labor is progressing and monitor the baby. Anne and her team are here for the baby. Tim is here for me, and Sharon will be here for Tim. Tim is my coach and we have almost finished our classes under the Bradley method. He is taking me through some mental relaxation when he is home and we practice different laboring positions together. I hope he is able to "catch" our baby, I think that's what he intends to do. My mom will be here to take over when Tim needs a rest, a nap or some food. She'll also assist him by getting anything he needs as a gopher. I don't think she'll dress up in the costume, but I know she'll be very very helpful. It will be an interesting experience together since I've heard pregnant women are sometimes not themselves as they go through labor and transition. Please cover this birth in prayers as we prepare to become parents, no small feat for those of you out there with kids! I would like prayer that no matter what is going on physically, I can remain mentally alert and under God's submission. Even pregnancy is no excuse for sin and treating my coach or asst. coach in a way that does not honor God might seem justifiable during this trying and difficult time. I pray that baby grows as much as she needs. I only increased 1cm of growth over the last two weeks, so let's pray she stays in there and gets as big as she needs to be. Pray that I'll use this time wisely. I was thinking about the fact that she could come in like 10 days and my mind started to panic at all I haven't done. I don't need to go crazy, but if we are going to birth at home, it needs to be clean. I can't have dog and cat fur everywhere and the "guest" bathroom is now where we'll bathe her. Both showers need a good scrubbing for health measures, and then there's those credential classes. I have to get them done by September, but I want to be done before she comes. Of course, if she comes in 14 days...gulp. So, pray that I don't dawdle or delay, but use this time God gave me for today (I couldn't resist). We'll keep you updated =) 

Love, Lauren 


Alison said...

Wow you are so close! Boston came at 37 weeks exactly and I was not expecting him so soon. My water broke and I thought...uummm I'm not ready for this now! Good thing you are preparing now cause she could be here soon or take her sweet time! Good Luck! You look fantastic too!

Rose Starr said...

Hooray! We are so excited and will be keeping you in prayer. It's my intention to send a little gift home with my in-laws to deliver to you guys. Is there anything you still need that you have not received yet? We'd like to help out with something that is needed...otherwise we'll send diaper cash home with them ;)

You are beautiful and make me want to be pregnant again! It's just so amazing. I had both our boys naturally and it was truly amazing. I know you are going to do great...Tim will be awesome, your mom will be a blessing and God will be ever present.

Thanks for the update :)

Sarah Elwer said...

my dearest lauren, I love your heart! I couldn't stop smiling when I read "Even pregnancy is no excuse for sin and treating my coach or asst. coach in a way that does not honor God" - You are so right!

I just checked with Adam to make sure I'm not about lie to you in my comment and he said I would not be lying so... please know that what you are desiring can be done! Who you are in Christ will remain the same and shine through even this extremely difficult task you have before you. I never once yelled at anyone or said anything I regret or acted in a way that wasn't honoring to God and I was on pitosin - so I know you can for sure do it without! I will cover you in prayer my dear sister but know that the Lord will honor the honor you give to him and those helping you bring your sweet baby girl into the world!